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St. Rita School
...the place to be where the love of Christ is lived and shared.
school building with Mary statue in foreground

Mission & Beliefs

"St. Rita School represents the best education; the administration is devoted and compassionate, the faculty tirelessly dedicated to the student, and the family community committed to Christian ideals and values." 

St. Rita School is committed to providing a Catholic education in an atmosphere of academic excellence. Above all, we focus on providing a loving environment where students can develop in mind, body, and soul.

Our Mission

St. Rita School inspires students in pre-kindergarten through grade eight to achieve academic excellence in a safe, nurturing, and faith-filled Catholic environment. We prepare students to be morally responsible, innovative thinkers who, in today’s technology-guided global community, live and share the love of Christ.

Our Philosophy

St. Rita School is a community of children, parents, teachers, and religious groups of the Church. The primary goal of the school is to nurture Catholic Christian moral principles by providing a warm, caring, and positive atmosphere. Furthermore, our goal is to teach the young to grow spiritually, intellectually, socially, and physically and to see that each child's gifts and talents are recognized and encouraged.

Our Creed

As a St. Rita School student, I am taught to be responsible and respectful, a good steward, and above all, to love. At St. Rita School, I receive a Christ-centered education that helps me grow in peace, courtesy, honesty, and Faith. By following the St. Rita Way, I help create a culture of life and love for me and all members of my St. Rita School Family.

Portrait of a St. Rita Graduate

St. Rita graduates are Christ-centered, lifelong learners. They ask “Why?” and “How?” and “What if?” They show respect for authority, achieve with humility, and take responsibility for their actions. They know the value of community, the necessity of service, and the importance of living with integrity. They are prepared to adapt to a constantly changing world, but they are aware of the constants that never change: trust in God, concern for others, and doing what’s right because it’s the right thing to do.

St. Rita School Song

"St. Rita School, we pledge our loyalty. To each of its ideals so true we'll always be. Our loyal grateful hearts now a song of praise do bring. Hail to St. Rita—let's all now proudly sing.

Christ lead us onward, model of our youth. We follow in His footsteps in honor and in truth. O Mother Mary, guide us, our gracious Heavenly Queen. Keep us e'er faithful to our own white and green!

Christ as our leader, Mary as our Queen. We'll make St. Rita School just the best that can be seen. So sing out all together our chorus strong and true. We pledge allegiance, St. Rita School, to you!"