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St. Rita School
...the place to be where the love of Christ is lived and shared.
SRS girl scouts painting rocks in honor of Veterans Day

Santa Is Coming To Town!

Santa with a tree in the back of a truck, two elves, ornaments and the information from the article.

The HSA presents Santa is Coming to Town! on Saturday, December 9 in the St. Rita gym from 10:00 a.m. to noon. Wear your Christmas attire or matching pjs for a family picture with Santa. Bring your Christmas list for Santa’s special mailbox, decorate a picture frame keepsake, art’s table, have your children sit for a Christmas story read by a volunteer, sip on hot cocoa, and enjoy goodies from the bake sale all while jamin’ to Christmas music!

The cost per family is $20 for one child or $25 for two or more children. Sign up online by November 30. Payment though Blackbaud will be deducted in January.

A yummy bake sale will be available! Cash only, small bills preferred!

Don’t delay! Space is limited to 50 families! Priority will be given to St. Rita families. HSA will open spots accordingly. Pictures will be sent digitally!

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